Deals for Rebel To The Grain/Slapbox With Jesus

Rebel To The Grain/Slapbox With Jesus
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Rebel To The Grain/Slapbox With Jesus Details & Features

, Blue Sky Black Death: Slapbox With Jesus/Rebel To The Grain Paying homage to the music that inspired them, Blue Sky Black Death have used the original source material sampled for some of the Wu-Tang Clan s seminal recordings to create two original pieces. The first, ''Slapbox With Jesus,'' captures the frenetic energy of early Wu-Tang singles, layering sample upon sample to create a track that resembles a DJ mix as much as a studio production. ''Rebel To The Grain'' brings a distinctly downtempo element to the familiar Shaolin sound, as Kingston and Young God build huge horn and organ swells over thick drums. A must for hip-hop fans of any school. ...

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Rebel To The GrainSlapbox
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Deals for Rebel To The GrainSlapbox. Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale 2011 Rebel To The Grain/Slapbox With Jesus. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Hot Savings!.